From head to heart…

I’m sitting in Tel Aviv – the white city – pure and beautiful. Boarding the most beautiful beaches with the buzz of life at all hours that only a city can provide there is always something to do. Tonight I opted out of the every day drinks and dinner for something a little deeper: an evening with a very special Rebbitzen. Who I’ve been lucky enough to hear many times. The words I’m hearing tonight…as I type to you all…are not new. But as I’ve discussed the same words, pictures, art or even person in a different context can effect you differently.

Tonight she talks about the difference between head and heart. About how we evaluate the people around us. She is talking in a context of dating and love but I think it applies to so many parts of our lives. Love. Business. Friendship. Tonight I take two things I want to share with you all in my journey to pause and explore and understand the difference between content-ness and true happiness.

1. So many people get caught up in the “head” and it makes our generation “lost their heart”. We date so much we have so much access to everyone around us and the truth is it allows us to think with our heads and forget to just stop. Pause. Listen to our hearts and explore that.

2. This woman is know for being an international matchmaker. She talks about the exterior qualities we look for. That internal mental list: looks; a sense of humor; ambition or proof there of hard work; and, other similar quantifiable surface qualities. But how often is a good heart in that list? If there is no good heart she explains all those qualities can be turned: from a sense of humor to mean spirited teasing; financial stability could become a form or control; and, the list goes on. But a good heart. A warm family. The qualities you can’t quantify but only a heart can tell you is what is important.

These are not new concepts. This is not a lecture I’ve heard in relation to the Torah and young Jewish communities for the first time. But it is something to share to help you all stop and think. To pause and explore.

We are often content when we think with our head but when we really stop and think with our hearts I believe is when we really reach true happiness.


Do you have an example of a decision you’ve made with either your head or your heart and how they turned out?

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