That place…

People travel the world looking for inspiration, for something.  Many spend half a lifetime searching for that spark, muse, great love, sign or guide.  We, as humans, want that definitive guide to we’re doing it right.  Sometimes found in science often found in religion or philosophy it is deeply rooted in our nature to seek approval from something we often perceive as greater than ourselves.

I am in the epicenter of the worlds three major monotheistic religions, where they started/grew/meet and even disagree.  I am in the place a large portion of the world comes to seek this catalyst and find something larger then themselves and the truth is it reminds me of the same feeling I got in The Louvre.  Some people search all day for something, go from site to site, kiss the stone Jesus was layer on, bow to the dome of the rock, kiss the Kotel and connect to hundreds and hundreds of their ancestors that came before them – these are all within steps of each other  Why is it we feel it so much more there but not walking by each other in the street? – But I digress.  In The Louvre I saw people who wanted to get it, who were there because they should be, because they understand there is a beauty and a history but were striving to connect and then every once in a while you see someone who just “gets it” and connects in a way that makes you take notice.

Tonight I sat with someone like that, her enthusiasm and true love for this simple wall that connects so many people, so many generations, so many tears and prayers; the wall that holds so many individuals deepest hopes and secrets and she was like a spiritual junkie, she couldn’t get enough, she couldn’t get away from it.  Not because she needed others to see or to prove it but because something in her soul connected so deeply to it that it overcame the need for sleep or warmth or food: and it was beautiful.  It made me want to go and see her dynamic and relationship with this place that makes so many fall to their knees and others just want to snap a picture and head to the proverbial gift shop.

We travel the world to find, to seek, to connect and sometimes it’s half a world away but I was thinking about what makes us, us.  How we can connect to the world around us in a different, deeper and more honest and fulfilled way.


I urge you all to stop running for a minute and find out what close to your heart and home gives you the inspiration and spark that so many search for and remember to cherish it and stop always looking for the next one, the one thats bigger and better or further or seemingly more impressive.  Find that place that no matter what you have the comfort of home with the inspiration to always do better, push yourself and create something beautiful.

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